Labels:text | menu | screenshot | document | font OCR: CONVERSION FACTORS LENGTH-DISTANCE Inches (in.) x 25.4 = Millimeters (mm) x .0394 = Inches Feet (ft.) x .305 = Meters (m) x 3.281 = Feet Miles x 1.609 = Kilometers (km) x .0621 = Miles VOLUME Cubic Inches (in3) x 16.387 = Cubic Centimeters x .061 = in3 IMP Pints (IMP pt.) x .568 = Liters (L) x 1.76 = IMP pt. IMP Quarts (IMP qt.) x 1.137 = Liters (L) x .88 = IMP qt. IMP Gallons (IMP gal.) x 4.546 = Liters (L) x .22 = IMP gal. IMP Quarts (IMP qt.) x 1.201 = US Quarts (US qt.) x .833 = IMP qt. IMP Gallons (IMP gal.) x 1.201 = US Gallons (US gal.) x .833 = IMP gal. Fl. Ounces × 29.573 Milliliters x .034 = Ounces US Pints (US pt.) x.473 Liters (L) x 2.113 = Pints US Quarts (US qt.) x.946 m Liters (L) × 1.057 = Quarts US Gallons (US gal.) x 3.785 Liters (L) x .264 = Gallons MASS-WEIGHT Ounces (oz.) x 28.35 = Grams (g) x .035 = Ounces Pounds (lb.) x .454 = Kilograms (kg) x 2.205 = Pounds PRESSURE Pounds Per Sq. In. (psi) x 6.895 ma Kilopascals (kPa) x.145 = psi Inches of Mercury (Hg) x .4912 = psi x 2.036 = H Inches of Mercury (Hg) x 3.377 = Kilopascals (kPa) x .2961 = Hg Inches of Water (H,O) x .07355 = Inches of Mercury x 13.783 = H,O Inches of Water (H,O) x .03613 = psi x 27.684 = H,O Inches of Water (H,O) x .248 = Kilopascals (kPa) x 4.026 = H,O TORQUE Pounds-Force Inches (in-lb) x .113 = Newton Meters (N-m) x 8.85 = in-1b Pounds-Force Feet (ft-lb) x 1.356 = Newton Meters (N-m) x .738 = ft-1b VELOCITY Miles Per Hour (MPH) x 1.609 = Kilometers Per Hour (KPH) x.621 = MPH POWER Horsepower (Hp) x .745 = Kilowatts x 1.34 = Horsepower FUEL CONSUMPTION* Miles Per Gallon IMP (MPG) x .354 m Kilometers Per Liter (Km/L) Kilometers Per Liter (Km/L) x 2.352 IMP MPG Miles Per Gallon US (MPG) x .425 Kilometers Per Liter (Km/L) Kilometers Per Liter (Km/L) x 2.352 US MPG *It is common to covert from miles per gallon (mpg) to liters/100 kilometers (1/100 km), where mpg (IMP) x 1/100 km = 282 and mpg (US) x 1/100 km = 235. TEMPERATURE Degree Fahrenheit (F) = (Cx 1.8) + 32 Degree Celsius (C) = (F - 32) x .56